After the "Heart x Hybrid" takes place the heroine is seen pressing her hand against her chest when Kizuna was talking to both Himekawa Hayuru and Yurishia Farandole on a flirty manner or at least is seen in such manner by Chidorigafuchi Aines eyes. All this while Kizuna touches Aine on a erotic manner arousing her and driving her to climax. Mecha force the heroine in question on a almost near death situation with an already state of danger both Kizuna and Chidori blush and simultaneously suffered from rapid and increasing heartbeats. Hida, Kizuna and Chidorigafuchi are under attack by an alien The phenomenon released chemicals inducing individuals to fall in love and a need to have intercourse after a hyper sense of arousal on a very aware state. When in danger your biological alarm kicks in as a form of a reality check, All living beings are meant to procreate. Named after it's discovery of friends and/or people of the opposite sex tended to get married right after experiencing a tall bridge crossing.

Premise: "Suspension Bridge Effect" It's the rapid heartbeat and arousal when in state of danger.